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Комментарии к видео

She is legal now
Комментарий от : @kamilchojnacki3775

this coming out 5 years ago is terrifying
Комментарий от : @askindo5466

As an anprim I see this as an absolute win
Комментарий от : @sawdog311

This is amazing
Комментарий от : @superiorchedder7914

0/10 Anarchist left doesn't look like a girl
Комментарий от : @EuGeez

this goddamn political irony has reached 5 years
Комментарий от : @Thot_Patrol_USA

5 years.
Комментарий от : @Alvionalx

This has aged like Scotch whiskey.
Комментарий от : @brother_sothoth

where is the dr oetker square?
Комментарий от : @DrOetkerThirdReich

Totalitarian right is the best
Комментарий от : @chickennugget4724

I wish for peace. I notice th alt-rights movements are becoming more common. We should work to deradicalize and rehabilitate people, we must have a healthy world, where everyone is respected.
Комментарий от : @DaMikeyy1094

Ok how did you do this and time each of the segments that well, all in one take?
Комментарий от : @GeorgerGeorger-wh7zf

I'm libright, better call the cops on me if that's accurate💀
Комментарий от : @CreeperG0d

The domino effect this video had on my life is astounding
Комментарий от : @schkullington7698

okay but anarchist left was right about everything so what do you want?
Комментарий от : @serious_about_men

the guy on the phone hearing all the BS:
Комментарий от : @dizzy_jump

i love how this became an awkward conversation once anleft joined
Комментарий от : @Dr_Blockhead

Комментарий от : @Somero5115

Imagine being Canadian
Комментарий от : @Didyouknowthatiexist

Why do I feel like Jreg is Total-Left with the fact they just sit there and basically say nothing
Комментарий от : @user-gz5ex9ok3t

just because I'm totalitarian right doesn't mean I have an anime profile picture, I do but it's not because I'm totalitarian right!!!
Комментарий от : @poopakabra541

I don't agree, anarchism and libertarianism are different
Комментарий от : @catxx_gamer3812

Best Bar from each extreme:
Lib Left : 1:26
Lib Right : 3:26
Auth Right : 2:22
Auth Left : 2:50

Комментарий от : @aymericwielemans2912

um clássico
Комментарий от : @umpaspalho

if only he knew the kind of things that would sprawl from this
Комментарий от : @amarianempireofficial

Look at anarchist right 2:15
He is trying to team with with state right but state right ruining by being nazi

Комментарий от : @Mert_Adnan_OYU

Thr main mistake centrist makes is thinking that the anime fandom actually likes itself
Комментарий от : @theRazzleDazzleDorito

Anarchist Left being a party crasher.
Комментарий от : @Darkness96302

reddit song
Комментарий от : @beebboop1550

This needs a remake
Комментарий от : @coprophagichobo2377

Not great representation of the totalitarian left
Комментарий от : @carlosapalermo577

Hetalia but for men whose living space looks like the underside of a refrigerator
Комментарий от : @jellifygirl

this is why you don't pass the ox to the stinky homie
Комментарий от : @LoseMillion

Anarchists during the song: vibing up and down
Totalitarians during the song: 🕺🕺

Комментарий от : @endysword2368

The main takeaway from this is that anime is an anti-centrist dog-whistle embraced by all extremes of the political spectrum, or at least the main 4..
Комментарий от : @ShimobeSama

idk why i tried to go to the comments. should have known it would be a shit show considering the subject is political
Комментарий от : @losisansgaming2628

“$13.50 final offer” was hilarious
Комментарий от : @Inflation971

looks like a student video 👍
Комментарий от : @CrackyCreates

I fail to see normal anywhere
Комментарий от : @EireEmpire

Комментарий от : @hobojoe4910

Auth right spoke fax
Комментарий от : @jckarp2874

Totalitarian right real; “I AM ADOLF HI-“
Комментарий от : @pickledanimations4729

oh fuck, this is not a place for me, i suck
Комментарий от : @zootoo9232

F in the chat for Centrists.
Комментарий от : @user-dj8rr7gx1b

we makin it outta reddit with this one 🥶🥶💯💯🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣🗣
Комментарий от : @user-nr8py1br5c

This is both the most confusing and least confusing thing I've ever heard. Really how did he do this?
Комментарий от : @PTFSMSFSBUTTER

He's right that everybody hates moderates.
Комментарий от : @ComputerCurry

one of the best videos on youtube
Комментарий от : @CrazzyEvangelical

“We will not become free when the state goes away. Rather the state will go away once we are free.” ~ Butler Shaffer
Комментарий от : @DrSanity7777777

Genuinely peak fiction
Комментарий от : @somestupiddudewithayoutube4676

I like how half of this is arguing between the left anarchist and the nazi
Комментарий от : @G-manFan1

Cool!!! I especially liked how the left Anarchist didn't forget to say "fuck you" to EVERY other guy on the compass)) that's what i call an honest non conformist position))) it's a joke of course, but deep down it is really true and i just adore it. Left Anarchism forever!
Комментарий от : @user-nc9qt5dk9j

"World War II #2" 💀💀💀💀💀💀
Комментарий от : @TuhannenTomppeli

this centrism is so oy wei
Комментарий от : @andriy_tato

Hitler is a little bit tricky. Definitely authoritarian, he was arguably economically a centrist.
Комментарий от : @zetaconvex1987

Out of all compass characters, why is totalitarian right is just Jreg himself?
Комментарий от : @fandanya3256

I am far right but Legionar
Комментарий от : @gabcho2980

It's kinda funny how memes work... Both auth left and lib left are historically notorious for sexual degeneracy including pedophilia - from sexed in primary schools to postmodernist professors actually demanding to abolish age of consent and sexually "liberate" children. Then we have Catholic priests... Yet for some reason it's lib right who are pedos!))
Комментарий от : @Ddragon173

I like that anarchist left acts like some edgy teen
Комментарий от : @fandanya3256

It just looks like a dispute between a Nazi, a communist, an anarchist and anarchist capitalism.
Комментарий от : @user-gi1mt4lb8d

The political compass is not reliable. It relies on the assumption that all government is bad. It also relies in the assumption that authoritarianism is something that can be seen on every part of the political spectrum. It was invented by a bunch of recluse in the 1950s and 60s to try to demonize government so they could have less regulations allowing them to make more money. In most academic circles, it’s already been removed and is viewed as outdated. Also, it feels to recognize the fact that centrism is an inherently right wing ideology. It also does not differentiate between capitalism and communism, or are both two separate economic systems, and not political ideologies.
Комментарий от : @user-zf9oo8gs4z

lesson: All sides are complete douchebags
Комментарий от : @Aut0_Ph0bic

14 is not p**ophohilia. But illegal. 13 on other hand maybe.
Комментарий от : @PAINNN666

"The only colour I can see is green" Anarchist right sees everyone as Shrek. Good to know
Комментарий от : @randomcypriot

"We only kill people we try to kill!"
Holodomor and Pol Pot: 😶

Комментарий от : @theaveragejoe___

Put it on 1.5x its much better
Комментарий от : @stacode

the 4 gods of cahos on a argument in the warp
Комментарий от : @regalbien6058

3:35 favorite part
Комментарий от : @meg4_boyysrb

"Oh she's only 14? I guess that is pedophilia, he said calmly.
Комментарий от : @mossiempire712

This guy MIGHT be an anarchal leftist
Комментарий от : @CJFashi

I mean it's clear who you support, you didn't bash the lib left nearly as hard as the others... Like anarchist left isn't roasted at all lol. I sense bias
Комментарий от : @maksfronczak9365

Мама анархия , папа стакан потвена
Комментарий от : @neronlife1455

Sometimes I wish I was deaf
But even if I was deaf I would read the subtitles, wouldn't I?

don't go down

Really, don't

Last warning

Ai flores, ai flores do verde pino
Se sabedes novas do meu amigo?
Ai Deus, e u é?

Ai flores, ai flores do verde ramo
Se sabedes novas do meu amado?
Ai Deus, e u é?

Se sabedes novas do meu amigo
Aquel que mentiu do que pôs conmigo?
Ai Deus, e u é?

Se sabedes novas do meu amado
Aquel que mentiu do que mi há jurado?
Ai Deus, e u é?
Ai Deus, e u é?

Vós me preguntades polo voss'amigo
E eu bem vos digo que é san'e vivo
Ai Deus, e u é?
Ai Deus, e u é?

Vós me preguntades polo voss'amado
E eu bem vos digo que é viv'e sano
Ai Deus, e u é?
Ai Deus, e u é?

E eu bem vos digo que é san'e vivo
E será vosco ant'o prazo saído
Ai Deus, e u é?
Ai Deus, e u é?

E eu bem vos digo que é viv'e sano
E será voscant'o prazo passado
Ai Deus, e u é?
Ai Deus, e u é?

Комментарий от : @luizfellipe3291

totalitarian right in its more extreme forms is literally just a racist and facist cult
Комментарий от : @averagetectonicplateenjoyer

Комментарий от : @romanfilippov2142

Just like their ideology anarchists beats are terrible.
Комментарий от : @The13thRonin

hitler was left not right 💀
Комментарий от : @turfyjeffowup1361

can yl nggas stop yappin hp;ly sh bruv
Комментарий от : @_muh__

hmmm i wonder where this guy stands on the spectrum (im not talking about the political compass anymore!)
Комментарий от : @kingdomofhearts9999

This is a funny parody on politics yet people who actually engage in politics just argue in the comments
Комментарий от : @lasagna2303

You know, national-democrats also not for totalitarism, but for national state
Комментарий от : @geniytako4968

This isn’t accurate at all and I’m only 30 seconds in, points that you got wrong:
*pedophilia is 12 and under, typically 14 and up is something else 13 is a gray zone.
*Nazis we’re socialist so they belong on the left side of the political compass on the authoritarian side with other Marxist like Stalinists, Leninists, etc.
Maybe research before you make a video.

Комментарий от : @TheNightshadePrince

bru poltical compass only tells your civic and economic views. not political ideology
Комментарий от : @randomretard88

Actually the peoples of the Sovietunion had more food than the people from the USA according to CIA archives
Комментарий от : @professorrevan2324

So much memes here😂😂😂
After years... Still funny

Комментарий от : @Kuralesov228

Centralism shouldn’t be doing that. 
Комментарий от : @JPMurphy115

this is one of the greatest videos in recorded human history
Комментарий от : @klikiboss

"What's wrong with racism?" 💀💀💀
Комментарий от : @charlescalvin4657

Shit I was right, please read a book
Комментарий от : @GentlemensClubHolyEdition

0/10. They propagated CIA lies about authoritarian left by making tankie say it didn’t work out the last 5 times (spoilers a lot of em did work) - you can guess where I stand.
Комментарий от : @Sim6dot9

We have to see performance of Andre Roudoi and his Bir Beria Tape rap project in Totalitarian Left!
Комментарий от : @user-wl3ck5uc6t

The way these ideologies are portrayed seems extraordinarily stimulating for IQ 100 Midwits
Комментарий от : @petruska111

I love nerdcore
Комментарий от : @HumblestBumble

nigga its auth and lib not totalitarian and anarchist
Комментарий от : @brott_man

Upper right: Fascism Example: N@zi Germany

Lower right: Capitalism
Example: U.S.A(Conservative party)

Upper left: Communism
Example: Soviet Union

Lower left: Anarchism
Example: U.S.A(Libertarian party)

Комментарий от : @tabletgenesis3439

Giving mad scout from tf2 vibes with this one
Комментарий от : @grin1602

Auth right: Kingdom of France
Auth left: Kampuchea
Lib right: Mericaaaaa
Lib let: Makhnovia (Free Territory) or Commune of Paris

Комментарий от : @carinaslima

All the same, we must agree that communism will lead us to triumph!
Комментарий от : @user-gi1mt4lb8d

came in my feed again, such a treasure
Комментарий от : @infj4w511

cant believe jon arbuckle is a nazi
Комментарий от : @snwmat

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